Have you been thinking about becoming an associate for a Network Marketing company in order to make extra money, help pay for the products or build your own business? You can set your own hours, earn money based on your efforts and capacity to retail products or services supplied to you, by a legitimate Network Marketing company.
As an associate you can build and manage your own sales force by recruiting, motivating, and training others to sell the products or services. A percentage based on the sales of your team is your compensation, in addition to your personal sales, bonuses and promotional pay.
Building a successful Network Marketing business with little start-up is possible, keep in mind that it is not a get rich quick or easily scheme. Successful associates, who have recruited and trained a larger sales team, also have to take on ongoing managing tasks as well as making sales to their own retail customers. Managing such a large network can be lucrative, but it is hard work and can become a full-time job.
Many Network Marketing companies over the years have made available to the associates the tools and programs to help manage their sales team. Everything from product information booklets, compensation plan booklets, getting started manuals, post cards, CD’s, direct ship, DVD’s, Info-lines, conference calls, web sites, web conferences, E-Newsletters, clinical tests, online offices, and as of late online communities like Facebook, tweeter, blogs, online TV and mobile smart phone apps, are a few of the sales tools you now can find companies supplying.
Be cautious if the start-up cost is considerable. Legitimate Network Marketing companies usually require a small start-cost. Pyramid schemes, demand you to pay a hefty amount to become an associate. The promoters behind the scheme make most of their profit on the signing up of new associates.
What is the market for the products or services? Are the products actually being sold to consumers? If the company seems to be making money by recruiting alone, you will want to stay away! Legitimate Network Marketing depends on selling to consumers and establishing a market for quality products. Pyramid schemes are not concerned with sales, they focus on new recruits who buy the products in order to participate in the scheme.
Network Marketing can help you achieve greater balance and satisfaction in your life. From giving you more time with your family, to empowering your entrepreneurial aspirations.
Network Marketing, a business model within the direct selling industry, is growing faster than any other industry in the world. In 2003 and 2004, Ernst and Young found that direct selling had an impact of $ 74 billion each year in North America. More than 16 million North Americans report part or full-time employment through direct selling businesses. They enjoy flexible hours, high levels of personal satisfaction, and near limitless income growth potential.
Entrepreneur Magazine predicted continued growth for the direct selling industry, “There is virtually no investment. It can be run part-time which gives full-time employees the chance to be entrepreneurs. As a home based business (it) attracts many who want to make extra income and still spend time with their families.”
Terry and Lynda Sherback
Independent Univera Associates
Our first introduction to this industry was in 1989 when we were introduced to Matol Botanical International and their flagship product Matol/ Km. We had the pleasure of working with some of the giants in the industry and learning from them. Our greatest joy came from seeing how our health products and business opportunity changed people’s lives. When you put together Univera’s products, marketing plan and support programs with Matol’s flagship product; Matol/ Km, you have what we feel is the best this industry has to offer.