If you have just joined a multi-level marketing program, or if you are having trouble building your downline, you need to use the following four big secrets for massive MLM success: be magnetic; utilize the Internet, use squeeze pages and an autoresponder to create a relationship with each of your prospects; and make screen capture videos to help train your downline.
Magnetic sponsors practice the principles of attraction marketing, which are completely different than those of a manipulative salesperson. They are more concerned with helping their prospects and their downline members than they are using them to make themselves richer.
You will gain a reputation for being special and people will be magnetically drawn to you. One example is the MLM sponsor who realizes that there is another program that is better suited for a prospect, so she tells the him about it, instead of attempting to enroll the individual into her own program.
For MLM success you really need to exploit the Internet. A lot of old school multi-level marketers think that handing out businesses cards with the address of their replicated company website & their e-mail address is properly utilizing the Web.
In this day & age there is no reason to be hounding everyone you know and every stranger you meet to join your program. You need prospects who are targeted. That is, they already are interested in hearing about what you have to offer. The Internet allows you to do this, so you no longer have to be the person at the family reunion that everyone is trying to avoid.
People are going to actually contact you and ask for more information about your business opportunity. They are going to do this, because you will have a squeeze page that is keyword targeted to people looking to make money in a home based opportunity.
Your lead capture (squeeze) page will have a very enticing offer of a valuable report or e-book that is packed with information to help them be successful. To get it, they need to allow you to send them emails. Then your autoresponder, loaded with a series of emails that are all helpful and designed to be of service to them, will go into action for you.
These letters will create a relationship with them so that many of them will grow to like and trust you. Then, later, when the letters discuss why your program is one they should join, some of them will be happy to have you as their sponsor, because you have been so giving and helpful. You should always remind them that you are available if they have any questions. When they email you, be sure to email them back.
Once they join your team, they will need to be trained. While it is crucial to make yourself available for 2 way conversation, you do not have to repeat yourself constantly, when the Internet provides technology that is perfect for training. Get some video screen capture software, and make training videos about every aspect of your program. Instruct your referrals to contact you whenever they have questions, and be sure to contact them as well. Following these four tips will bring about MLM success.
MLM success can easily be done. However, you need to have the right techniques at mind. The MLM blog we have can definitely help you out.