My own Favorite blender mixer has got to be the Ninja Master Prep. I have tried several other blender appliances in the past, but I have never discovered one that I take pleasure in using as significantly as this one. It’s the initial one that I have ever had that I use nearly every single day. In fact, I truly look forward to utilizing it your quest to enhance my and my family’s health. Now I could have just written a couple of quick paragraphs and written what amounts to a little commercial, but in this article I am going to go into some detail about nutrition and how this affected my own view on this remarkable product.
Within the not too distant past I gained several pounds. Alright, much more than just several. Sometimes that occurs whenever you go from walking a great deal of miles every day as a letter carrier to sitting and working within the office as a supervisor. At any rate, it happened. But something else happened too. I became a sort 2 diabetic. Now I need to lose those pounds to manage the blood sugar without the use of drugs.
In great search for information (Thank God for the world wide web) I found a doctor’s website where he claimed that via diet he has been able to aid a lot of folks with a multitude of health difficulties improve their lives by means of diet. Perhaps “diet” is not quite the proper word. A far better word would be “nutrition”.He believes that by way of correct nutrition the body can heal itself and enhance if not outright cure several health problems that men and women face nowadays. At very first it sounded like quackery. I did quite a bit of research and have found that there is far more than a bit truth to his concept. The real point of this aside is that I now have an interest within the raw foods movement. “And just what does this have to do with a basic kitchen blender?”, you ask. The greatest weapon of all inside the fight to get great weight back down. The green smoothie.
But first, a bit more background so that you simply understand how I have arrived at the conclusion, and why The Ninja Master Prep is such a big part of my personal life now.Studies have proven that diet has an enormous impact on health. The China Study, in specific, stands out. This could be the greatest study of nutrition and its impact on health ever performed. Essentially, The China Study discovered that distinct regions of China had enormous differences in their primary sources of food. And huge differences in health. Some used far more animal products. Some employed almost none. What was found is that areas where the individuals consumed far more animal sources of food had a lot more cancer and heart illness. There is a good deal a lot more info within the study, but that’s the component that really stood out for me. And it went along and supported what the physician I mentioned earlier preaches. A supplemented vegetarian diet is very best for health and longevity. Here’s a link to the Wikipedia page about The China Study.
Here’s just a little trick question for you. But it’s educational too. What would you answer if I asked you which has a lot more protein per calorie, collared greens, or a nice juicy steak? You did notice that I asked “per calorie” and not “per pound” didn’t you? Still, I found the answer surprising. It is the green leafy vegetable. Who thinks of associating protein with a leafy green? Yet that’s the healthier selection. And if you are trying to lose weight, that’s really essential. It takes a entire lot of leafy greens to equal the calories in just a couple of ounces of meat. And that’s the beauty of it. It is possible to diet and eat so much that you simply can’t possibly be hungry, and still lose weight. Plus with the phytochemicals, eating lots of leafy greens and other vegetable and fruit sources of nutrition makes this kind of eating like taking a super vitamin pill. Plant sources of nutrition have so many distinct combinations of nutritious chemicals that we don’t even comprehend all of them yet. Numerous of them have powerful anti-cancer properties. The cruciform veggies including broccoli and cauliflower are noted for these.
Back to the green smoothie. The green smoothie isn’t just 1 recipe. It is any mixture of green leafy vegetables and fruits you want to make it. So here you might have this super vitamin,super nutrition type of a food, but you need to have the ability to chop it up and turn it into a smoothie. Why? Because the chopping helps to break the plant cells apart and release the phytochemicals and vitamins. Sort of like chewing does. And second, because they are just so refreshing and tasty, once you learn which combinations of food go well together.
That’s where The Ninja Master Prep comes in. At last. I know, it took a whilst to get to this point, but I wanted you to comprehend why I think so extremely of this kitchen appliance. I have tried other blender mixers for this, and frankly the cheaper ones just can’t do the job. It’s hard for them to even get the food you are attempting to method down into the blades. And even when you can, they basically aren’t sharp sufficient. They weren’t designed to do this. Yes, there are blenders which are created particularly to do this, and they do an excellent job, but I don’t have $ 500 to spend on a blender. Do you? And why ought to I, when I can have a Ninja Master Prep so significantly more cheaply.
It has not just one set of cutting blades, but two. That’s a total of four blades to do the chopping and mixing. This blender mixer is quickly the equal of fairly significantly any other professional blenders out there available on the market. Not only are there the four blades, but they are made from a hardened steel and they are razor sharp. By the way, that’s some thing to maintain in mind when cleaning them. This machine is not a toy. It comes with two containers of various sizes depending on what you want it for. It’s helping to save my life, and it can make a huge distinction in yours too.
More about mixer blender,visit at mixer blender