If you’re involved with internet marketing, the chances are you’ll be hungry for any information that can help you become successful enough to earn a load of money online. In fact, you’ve more than likely already purchased one or two self-development style eBooks, or eBooks aimed at helping internet marketers? While I certainly don’t want to criticize your efforts, there’s a strong possibility you wasted your money on those books, although I could of course be wrong. In my opinion however, and I’m saying this based on my own experience, there is only one book your need to get you hands on if you want to see your bank balance starting to grow – The Success Principles, written by Jack Canfield.
When you learn certain techniques from a book, and you then try to put those techniques into action, it helps you to stay focused on the techniques you’re learning, which in turn mean your mind won’t be preoccupied with getting to the final page of the book. Now, the self same principle applies to doing business. If you stay focused on the present, and also on your plan, you have that much more chance of achieving your goal. In other words, don’t spend all your time thinking about where you’re headed for, but rather on how you intend getting there.
In early 2006 when I first read Jack Canfield’s ‘The Success Principles’, I soon realized I was doing so many things wrong. Yes, by that stage I was already earning a good living, but in his book, Jack Canfield made it clear that I could be making substantially more than I was. In fact, I lost count of the number of time that light bulb in my head came on while I was reading The Success Principles. For me, the most frustrating thing of all was that so many of his principles seemed obvious once I read them, so I couldn’t understand why they had never occurred to me.
Something else which Jack Canfield places a lot of emphasis on is the fact that the same training applies irrespective of whether your business is online, or whether you run an everyday brick and mortar type of business. Before you can begin coaching others, you first need to know exactly what their goals are. Only then are you able to start helping them construct a bridge over the void that stands between them and the success they want so badly.
If you read The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, you’ll soon see why some businessmen become fantastically successful, while others just never seem to make any progress at all. As Jack points out, your own personal mindset plays a significant role. It’s not only how you see yourself that’s important, but instead, a lot depends on how you see others, and how you view the world in general.
Perhaps the most important thing of all to remember is that you alone have the power to decide whether you become successful or not. There’s no middle ground here. You either want to, or you don’t. If you do want reach dizzy heights, you need to start making decisions in your life, but the secret is, what decisions are the most important one to make, and what should those decisions be based on?
Whether you’re an experienced internet marketer as I was, or whether you’re just starting out, you really do stand to gain so much by reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Just like so many others, I also thought I knew it all, but that notion was soon wiped away when I read The Success Principles, and today I am so glad I did.
Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The Success Principles by Jack Canfield