Ralph Waldo Emerson proffered that self trust is the first secret of success. This premise has been lived to the fullest by a young entrepreneur who has made a success of himself in the gritty field of multi-level marketing. The inspiring story of Jonathan Budd begins with a steadfast belief in his abilities to succeed in whatever he chose to do.
At only twenty-five, it is hard not to say he is an overnight success. However, Jonathan Budd earned his stripes as they say, by overcoming a series of failed business attempts starting when the ink was barely dry on his college diploma. The majority of the information about him and his products is related by the man himself via video snippets on his website.
Strength of purpose is one of the inspiring factors ingrained in the character of Jonathan. In his online videos he talks openly about the multiple failures he experienced in trying to establish an entrepreneurial career after college. His tenacity, however, kept him from giving up.
There are two highly important character traits that Budd possesses in abundance. One is tenacity and the other is a self-assurance that he is destined to succeed. This may sound more like effrontery than character, but his obvious zest for life negates this suspicion. Budd also believes that everyone, not just himself, is capable of succeeding.
He espouses a belief that everyone has the capability of achieving whatever it is they want if they never lose hope. His enthusiasm for life and for what he is doing is evident throughout all of his presentations. However, for anyone who thinks that success came easily to Jonathan, they should listen carefully to his story.
Learning from his failures and pushing forward regardless of the odds are as important to his success as finding the program for successful lead generation that is now the keystone of his MLM business. True to his nature, he didn’t just keep it to himself, but transformed it into a program that will benefit other budding entrepreneurs who want to take on the MLM strategy.
It is said that attitude impacts aptitude, which in turn impacts altitude. Jonathan Budd is a living tribute to this precept. Much of his success is attributable to his attitude. This in turn fueled his ability to search on until he found the system he had been seeking. As a result, his earning potential soared to the heights of being a top 1% wage earner.
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