Leaders and leadership are terms that are used frequently in MLM network marketing. Even though many in Lightyear Wireless say they are leaders, very few network marketers have a really clear idea of just what constitutes a leader.
Having spent more than twenty years in the network marketing industry, the last 8 full-time, there is one thing I know for sure. Nothing will influence your success in Lightyear Wireless more than the leadership you team up with and the system you use to build your business.
Ask any networker, experienced veteran or brand new to the industry, to define leadership and many characteristics come to mind…drive, attitude, commitment, vision, organization, accessibility, communication, motivation, knowledge, mentoring, training, etc.
If a new business partner is going to find a strong Lightyear Wireless leader to work with, they must have a very clear picture of what they are looking for. Here are the key characteristics every good MLM leader has.
1. 100% commitment to the business and their team. Whether they are in the business full-time or part-time, they attend every meeting, training, webinar, or event. Their education is an ongoing process. They walk the talk. They are quick to put their own business-building on hold to help a team member.
2. They are self-starters who get things done. Show them what to do and they take it from there. They do not need to be convinced or pushed. They set a goal and claim it. When challenges come up, they find a way around them. They will do whatever is necessary to be successful. They don’t believe in excuses.
3. They have a personality others want to be around.
Leaders put their ego aside and share everything. They enjoy celebrating the success of others.
Use these characteristics as a measurement for good leadership in Lightyear Wireless. Choose carefully and surround yourself with strong leaders.
Joe Barclay is an expert at training others to quickly, easily create success online. Read this and other MLM leadership articles at his blog. Visit Joe’s website for more help with selecting the right lightyear wireless leader.