The first thing you need to know about using a topical tattoo removal product is that it will take time to produce results. This is true for all non laser tattoo removal options. However, if you are willing to wait, using a tattoo removal cream can help fade your unwanted tattoo.
Whenever I review a product, the first thing I look is the list of ingredients. This is because some products contain ingredients which may be hazardous to one’s health. Regarding tat removal creams, the most dangerous ingredient is Hydroquinone. This ingredient has been used for years in skin care products but has been fairly recently been linked to the development of cancer and has been banned throughout the world. The best tattoo removal creams and gels do not contain Hydroquinone and instead uses safer ingredients like Alpha Arbutin and Kojic Acid.
Essentially, to use topical tat removers, you clean the tattooed area of skin, then use an exfoliating pad to remove layers of old skin before applying the gel. Over time the tattooed layers of skin will slowly rise to the surface which at first will give the appearance of a brighter tattoo in that the inks are getting closer to the surface. A few months later, the tattoo should appear faded.
With any topical tat removal option, it is important to follow the direction closely as to avoid unnecessary irritation to the skin. It is also important to compare other variables when choosing a tat removal option. Some of these include cost and safety.
John Sate is interested in writing about alternative solutions to problems. For more information about topical tattoo removers, please visit the following informative sites: Tat Removal as well as Topical Tattoo Remover.