Before you set off, get directions printed out. You also want to check the condition of the roads, especially if you intend to tow your caravan. You have to check there has been rain on your route as it can be dangerous to tow a caravan on slippery roads. In the event that the weather has been particularly bad, you should think about changing your route to avoid country roads and unsealed roads that might be a bit too mud drenched for your caravan to handle.
If you plan to stay in a static or touring caravan park, make sure that you call them shortly before your vacation. It is not unknown for caravan parks to get double booked, so you want to double check before you head out.
When it comes to packing clothing, you must be prepared for any weather conditions. Make sure you pack shoes and clothes that are waterproof in case of rain. Remember to take some extra socks in case your other ones get wet. Try to choose clothes that will dry quickly.
Take some time to consider what foods to take with you. Stick to dry and sealed foods that wont spoil. Non perishable foods such as noodles, pasta, and rice are all very easy to prepare and are wonderfully filling to boot.
Find out what food shopping and dining facilities are available in and around the caravan park. Some modern caravan parks now have café bars and in addition to grocery stores. Shop in supermarkets if at all possible, as you will find prices are cheaper.
If you are lucky enough to have an onboard fridge, then you can pack more in the way of fresh items like dairy products, veggies, and fruit. If not, then it is better to go with UHT dairy products, which will keep for much longer than fresh ones.
Britain is home to a huge number of caravan parks, and it does not matter whether you aim to go on a static or touring van holiday.
Try to find out before your trip to find out what caravan parks are available in the places you want to go. Check out what facilities they have on offer, as this can help you with the packing side of things.
This guide to caravans was penned by Walter Cox. For superb offers on static caravans, go to the Park Resorts website