If you see a biker riding a chopper and wearing a bandanna tearing down the highway in front of you, will it strike you that he and his bike are just elements of the total Universe, like stars or planets? Probably not. The reason for this is that when you see him and the chopper, they do not look like stars or planets and you are not reminded of the total Universe. You’re far more likely to be reminded that he is a member of a certain well-known biker gang.
Instead of thinking that he is a member of a certain gang, why don’t you try thinking that he is a part of the Universe, as is his chopper, as is the road, as are the surroundings, and as are you. After all, it’s the truth… or is our biker outside the Universe?
Making this attitude a habit will result in your life being more peaceful and will help you in your search to find happiness. But it is important that the attitude is coupled with another attitude: “you have to do what you are supposed to do”.
Let me explain. Suppose a neighbor is yelling and hurling insults at you. Before you fly off the handle and get angry and lose control, try to remind yourself he is an element of the Universe, and he’s doing what he’s supposed to do (which in this case is getting angry). Remind yourself that you too are part of the Universe and have to do what you are supposed to do. Once you have this chilled-out, sanitized view of the situation, you will find that you can deal with it without stress and anger because the sting has been taken out of the event.
To get back to the example, if somewhere embedded in his angry tirade he makes a reasonable statement or asks a rational question, then respond logically and rationally. Of course if he’s just spouting a nonstop stream of mindless insults, you have to tell them that it’s best if you resume the discussion later when it’s not so upset.
The advantage of behaving this way is that:
1. You do not stress your nervous system with angry adrenalin
2. You do not say anything insulting or irrational, which can cause a later problem with said neighbor
3. Your neighbor will most probably realize that compared to you he behaved very immaturely. He is likely to have increased respect for you and be polite when he resumes the discussion.
Pausing for a second during moments of fear, stress or anger to think about the “Big Picture” removes the agitation from the situation and enables you to proceed with clarity of mind and also to find happiness in your own being.
To take the method further, you should practice it even during other times… for instance, when you eat. Just think for a second that one part of the Universe is eating another part of the Universe, or that the Universe is eating itself.
When this attitude becomes a habit, you will “see yourself in all things,” which is said about many revered saints and prophets.
It does take practice to gain this attitude, but if you make it an objective, it gradually becomes a habit. Try it out: you’ll be glad you did!
Lucky Balaraman, who has learned from a Living Master how to find happiness, shares these guidelines with readers of his website at http://CalmAndCool.com.