Being on time means you respect yourself, others and the arangement that we have made. By making the time to be on time we commit to getting the best out of every situation we find ourselves in.
Just watch a successful business person walking down the street. They walk at a comfortable pace. No doubt they are very busy, have lots of places they could or should be, but they plan accordingly and book appointments to allow enough time to keep each arrangement punctually.
Making arrangements and agreeing a time for those arrangements to take place is an important commitment from both parties. Both decide on a time and a place to meet, maybe for business or social reasons, and both sides agree that it is important enough to schedule into their future timetable.
Keeping that appointment at the agreed time demonstrates that the arrangement and the person are both important to us. Respect for ourselves is a key part of being on time. Respect for our reputation and the impression that our behaviour conveys about us. Also, respect for the other person. If we are late then the other person may feel disrespected or that we regard them and the meeting as of secondary importance. Something else clearly mattered to us more.
Being late can result in us arriving unprepared, flustered, in a rush. In fact, if we are late and do not arrive in a rush it can appear almost disrespectful, in that we saunter in at a leisurely pace, unconcerned that someone has been waiting for us.
Being punctual allows us time to arrive comfortably, settle ourselves, decide where we want to sit, relax and feel prepared. It can give us time to collect our thoughts and be in control. We are able to be calm and ready for the scheduled meeting.
Self-confidence is an important factor and consideration of punctuality. If we overload ourselves with too many commitments we can end up doing many jobs poorly, rather than giving ourselves the opportunity to excel. We result in managing time ineffectively, doing things at the last minute, maybe being late. Having the confidence to decide what we can realistically do in the time available and on time enables everyone involved to get the best results.
Using an organiser or a diary can be an important factor in being on time. It is a way of enabling all arrangements in the same location to be scheduled together, seeing in advance where we need to be, allowing time to keep those arrangements.
Delegate some work. Sometimes poor time keeping results from being overloaded. Share the workload and give others the chance to learn new skills and shine. By teaching people we improve their confidence levels and enthusiasm for their work and free up our time so that we can make better use of the time that we have.
Free time can be planned effectively too. Many people struggle with the notion of putting themselves in their diary. Committing to valuable ‘me’ time and not just snatching a few left over minutes here or there is important as a way of managing stress. Putting ourselves in our diary and keeping that appointment, being on time for it and allowing ourselves a decent amount of time to play, relax, have fun and enjoy the break is a valuable way of managing time and dealing with stress effectively.
Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with
– stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief,
– couples in crisis to help improve communications and understanding
– with business clients to help support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams
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