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Don’t Look for Leadership in Washington


Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis

How has a free nation with an established government of the people, by the people, for the people so lost its way? A quick read of the headlines – unemployment, failed economy, terrorism, growing public and private debt, climate change, illegal immigration, American imperialism, burgeoning population, increasing pollution, reliance on foreign sources of energy, aging citizenry, corporate charlatanism, materialism, consumerism, governance in disarray, overall moral decay – unquestionably offers plenty of opportunity for creative ideas and forward, solution-oriented thinking. It is, in fact, time for change. Where then, should people look for answers? Where do we find the necessary leadership? Certainly not in Washington.

That the United States, a nation founded on principles of self-reliance and self-determination, looks toward Washington, DC for answers is itself the best indication of how terribly awry the experiment in self-government has gone. By looking to Washington we have completely taken “self” out of government. The farther people are removed from the elements of power, the less they have the means or the motivation to chart their own future, guide their own destiny, find their collective way. Without “we the people”, the government will no more seek a perfect union, nor establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, or secure the blessings of liberty.

By abandoning our roles as governor and government we have abrogated our most basic of duties – our most precious of liberties – that right won with blood – the opportunity for self government. Looking to Washington for leadership, that is relying on professional politicians to lead in a system driven by money and special interests, is a recipe for disaster – a disaster coming into more precise focus every day.

The age-old criticism of democracy is that the citizenry is too lazy, too stupid and too self-serving to actually govern itself. Human beings need a benefactor, an enforcer to manage and discipline errant, misguided, selfish characters. The instruments of government are too valuable and too powerful to be left in the hands of the masses – the great unwashed. The people need only be fed and entertained. They seek not the work nor responsibility of governing, wisely and justly.

The pace, complexity, tools and threats of modern life have allowed divergent, power-hungry forces to exploit common human frailties. Manipulation of greed and fear have served to centralize power so effectively the citizens of the United States are now held hostage by innumerable rules, a faceless bureaucracy and the unchained power of money and mass media. Though happiness remains the core, singular desire; for reasons yet to be explained, money and power are held as the predominant means to achieving that end.

As we enter another election season, some look to government for the solution. Some look to unbridled capitalism and free-enterprise to usher in prosperity. Some kneel at the altar of finance, while others placate themselves with the promise of a social welfare state. The rhetoric rises and falls like a well-measured beat. The tone is melodic, yet solutions remain stale and still-born. The United States is at a cross-roads. We can continue to rely on grandiose promises of something for nothing, achievement without sacrifice, success without work, reaping without harvesting, where we gladly follow the pied piper through the meadow to the cliffs of discontent. Or we can chart a new course, a course of collective effort, of work, of pain, of sacrifice, of risk. For these are the jewels of life, in everyone’s possession, leading assuredly to the happiness we seek.

To fulfill the promise that was once our destiny and might be so again we must dream great dreams, exert great effort and take great risk. The choice is between a slow decline into poverty and obscurity or taking on the task of creating a future of promise and potential. Leadership is not to be found in Washington – the solutions lie with you.

Scott F. Paradis, author of “Promise and Potential: A Life of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will” http://www.promiseandpotential.com publishes “Insights” and a free weekly ezine, “Money, Power and the True Path to Prosperity”. Subscribe now at http://www.c-achieve.com

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