If you are a leader one thing that you have to master is the art of communicating your thoughts and getting people to react without being authoritarian or dictatorial. Now these are two leadership styles and both can be effective but what you want is to be more effective. I believe in the saying that you can catch more flies with honey, but I also believe that you need to be able to let people know that they need to move immediately when the situation requires it. One method for creating a sense of urgency is to give deadlines but I just dont believe that an effective leader has to give a written or verbal deadline for each task which needs to be accomplished. I believe that your people should know that when you give instructions you need for them to be carried out quickly.
One of the biggest things that you need to know is that you should always be true to your own personality. Dont try to be something that you are not. If you are laid back you can still be an effective leader. You will be more effective if you remain true to your own personality. When you fake it people know it and it indicates to them that you dont have confidence in yourself. A good leader is confident in his or her ability. You dont have to imitate another. People flock to leaders who are confident in their own abilities because they need someone who provides security. When they see you as secure and stable they will flock to your leadership style.
Your leadership style needs not be set in stone. Every good leader knows how to bend and roll with the situation that he finds himself in. If you are in a burning building or a combat situation you will not have the time to be passive in your leadership. On the other hand the leader who is assertive and demanding all of the time will have a bunch of unhappy people under him. I believe that the true essence of leadership is that people do things because they are motivated to do them. My idea of an excellent leader is a leader who doesnt have to give orders to get things done. His or her people should know what is required of them and will have the initiative to make sure that the job gets done. You cannot extract this type of behavior from people when you manipulate them through fear and intimidation.
The effective leader combines directing activities with coaching, instruction, and nurturing his subordinates to get the job done. He or she knows how to utilize and manage the people under them. They will know which people to use in certain situations and circumstances. They will know how to match time and resources to people and circumstances. They know how to give instructions in a way that will give subordinates a sense of urgency about getting the job done.
The good leader knows how to make sure that his subordinates have a clear knowledge of what he wants them to understand. The effective communicator has a sense of when he or she is getting the point across to the listener. Sometimes the point can be gotten across with soft speech but sometimes it requires blunt force trauma. In either case the effective leader knows just how much of each ingredient to apply to the situation.
The effective leader knows how to make his or her followers feel at ease if necessary but at the same time knows how to extract their respect. Leadership is equally an art and a skill. Good leadership requires a mixture of a lot of different ingredients in the right amounts including intuition, and wisdom. Riceland Enterprises
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