How to increse your supply of anything in life?
Here 6 things to realise there is grater supply then demand for anything you desire
New Testament where Jesus is saying, Ask and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. And the power of this is, its real.
Now I think you should be happy with what you’ve got And grateful…. but never satisfied., when one good is realised, another desire for a greater good will develop; and when a higher state is reached, another more glorious state will unfold his vision and urge him even on higher.
That’s how Roger Bannister broke that four-minute mile way back in the early ’50s. It was believed that a human being could not run a mile in four minutes. They believed it couldn’t be done. Roger Bannister broke it into small parts and he broke the four-minute mile. And, within a month someone in Australia was breaking the four-minute mile.
Now ask you self:
What is it you would like to know, have,give, bring forth?
This you demanding that to mind. Let it be something you really desire, something you really want your life to be like. And what I will say to you is if you can’t think of anything right now, make something up, because you’re going to make it up anyway. You will either live by design or default. You don’t get a choice about being a co-creator, you don’t get a choice about creating life.
But you and I have been trained in this field of human experience call life to make agreement with lack and bad circumstances. So we need to have an other agreement with the power of our own nature, the nature of the universe and the nature of abundance.
Here this 6 things to keep in mind if want have more:
Increasing your awareness by focusing you mind and pay attention to your thoughts.
Start to realise that what we are seeking to have, we must be of.
Believe that you shall have them and make agreement with that
Whenever a man has needed a certain thing in life, an idea has been given him in mind
The supply is greater than the demand and the demand is determined by a person’s own thinking. Whenever you demand something, the need is there if the consciousness is there
When we fully realise that thought causes all, we will know there’s never any limits that we ourselves do not impose.
So the law says where there is a DEMAND there is a SUPPLY, for every department of life. I want to make you realise the whenever a man has needed a certain thing in life, an idea has been given him in mind.
But you know I can write about this law of supply and law o attraction and The 11 forgotten Laws for long, this supplies you in anything you want, you just need to alien your self with them. So I you want know more and expand your awareness I suggest that you go this link here