Steve Dooley 520-400-9105
A lot of folks in the mlm industry know that giving value to others will position them as a mlm leader online. This should be incorporated into any business plan. If all you did was give away valuable information and training people would naturally gravitate toward you. Giving valuable content out to the public without getting in return is key to the “Attraction Marketing” strategy used by the top mlm leaders online.
A lot of people I train in mlm ask a recurring question. The million dollar question is “how do I become a mlm leader if I’m just getting started?” Several old timers who have succeeded offline are asking this about online marketing for mlm. The newbies and veterans alike all want to know how to become mlm leaders when they’re just beginning their journey on the web.
There is a simple acronym that explains just how to position yourself as mlm leader on the Internet. It’s called L.I.S.T.
Learn – to start off right you will need to gain some new knowledge or skills. A great place to begin learning is by searching the Web. With a huge internet universe out there you can gain tons of know-how in no time. Any personal experiences you have from the past will help too. I bring a great deal of leadership experience and team building from my job as Fire Captain. Alright, what if you’re young and haven’t been in the game of life very long, then what? Did you belong to any clubs in school? This all contributes to your value. Take any courses you find in your niche. Everything has a price. All leaders recognize this and embrace it. They know the knowledge they get will be worth far more than the price of the class. Ask your mentors tons of questions. Interview them. Connect with other entrepreneurs on the social media sites. Sign up for others’ lists to get valuable training usually at no cost. Gaining knowledge is the first step in becoming a mlm leader.
Implement – Once you have gone out and got some training you must actually apply that knowledge to translate it into experience. Almost all network marketers are willing to take classes and seek out new information to help grow their businesses, but only the top 5% actually apply what they’ve learned. Interestingly, the same held true at the fire department. Many firefighters were “book smart,” but they never went out and drilled on what they learned in school. They could tell everyone how bad they screwed up a call, or didn’t follow that procedure for putting the fire out. These guys were afraid to try. They were afraid to fail. They then had the audacity to preach to the new guys on how to fight fire. This is true in any field. MLM leaders learn new stuff and they actually apply it in their own businesses.
Share – Now that you have some field experience under your belt don’t just keep it to yourself. There is satisfaction in making yourself better, but don’t stop there. Now you can leverage the power of the Internet and multiply the results of all your efforts spent getting that experience. Start putting out content. You can do it through blogs, videos, article submission sites, etc, etc, etc. Spread the word about what new value you’ve gained with the world through the internet. There are millions of people out there searching for what you’ve got.
Train – After learning something new, applying it, and sharing it with the world you will get a following. Others will begin to percieve you as a mlm leader! You now have an auto-responder list or maybe just your downline in your primary business. As the leader it is your job to equip and motivate them. You’ll want to hold a training session once a week. Teach them to become mlm leaders themselves. That’s what this business is all about. Make many photo copies of yourself to work so you can retire.
Once you figure out the LIST way of becoming a mlm leader repeat it many times.. One of the biggest challenges people have in mlm is learning how to generate warm market leads. Have you ever signed up a new person who bolts out of the starting gate at warp speedand then stops after about a month or two in business? We all have. They have run out of people to prospect. If you want to become a mlm leader one of the first things you must do is develop a strategy to generate leads consistently online.
Steve Dooley 520-400-9105
Every mlm leader in the industry uses some kind of strategy to generate leads online. I have developed a lead generation system that incorporates strategies used by the top internet marketers to bring in a constant flow of warm market leads daily. No more chasing prospects in grocery stores, no more no shows, no more heart aches. Click this link and opt-in at my blog to get started generating leads to you this week!