If there were two words to describe the philosophy of Steven Hayes, they would be acceptance and commitment. It is these two words that not only make up the name of his founding therapy, but describe everything about his beliefs when it comes to teaching people how to bring their lives to the next level. He teaches at the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada and has been prolific in his authorship, having written over 30 books and over 400 articles for various scientific publications. One of these books, Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life, reached bestseller status in the United States.
Steven Hayes has made his mission developing and spreading Acceptance and Commitment therapy to individuals and professionals around the world. ACT, as it is called, is designed to help people change their focus. Many people live life focused on their failures, on painful memories, or experiences they would rather not have had. By doing this, they let much of what makes life great slip by them. ACT helps these people switch their focus from these mind-clouding thoughts and begin living life in the present. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or tragedies, they can begin focusing on goals and values that are important to them.
While this form of therapy as stated is not new or revolutionary, ACT takes it a step further. Rather than simply burying past thoughts or failures, the individual is encouraged to overcome them once and for all so that they can never come back and haunt them. It is through this method that Steven Hayes encourages clients and followers of his system to use acceptance to develop compassion for one’s self, something many people are lacking. Once this has been done, the person can begin building a pattern of behavior that helps them to quickly and efficiently overcome any setbacks they might experience in life.
The possibilities of using ACT therapy are limitless in their application. It has been used to help patients overcome a number of personal obstacles, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, drug abuse, obesity, and much more. If there is a problem in a patient’s life stemming from dwelling on negative energy, it can likely be treated with ACT therapy.
Those interested in learning more about Steven Hayes and ACT therapy should visit his website and read the numerous articles that have been written about the techniques involved. There are also a number of downloadable speeches and lectures that anyone can avail themselves of if they think this form of therapy is something they could use in their own lives.
Dr. Steven Hayes is the founder of Acceptance and Commitment therapy. This form of therapy has changed the lives of many people for the better. For more information on this form of therapy or to research other contemporary psychological methods, please visit: http://www.psychotherapynetworker.org/