Attending high profile conferences is important not only to keep up with the latest developments in your industry but is a prime opportunity to network with other delegates in your community. In fact often networking is the main reason attendees cite for attending the conference as it often proves worthwhile at generating more business and gaining useful contacts.
Before Conferences
Ensure you keep a diary up to date with appropriate conferences for you business, setting reminders in advance to give yourself time to prepare before attending. Look to be involved as much as possible, consider applying to speak at the conference and if not be ambitious and volunteer to help or organise panels. This will put you into the centre and allow you to meet the highest profile guests and maximise your presence. When you choosing which conferences to attend think about what networking opportunities will be present.
During Sessions
Identify the most interesting sessions to attend both in information likely to be presented and speakers that will be worth hearing and hopefully speaking with later in more depth. When in session always make sure you look interested and are attentive even if you are bored or possibly tired.
Ask sensibly questions and ones which bring in your own research to generate interest from others. Avoid being negative towards a speech, even if you disagree with an opinion there will be no benefit and will only damage any progress already made or relationships created.
Outside of the Sessions
Try to spend time outside your own social circle. It is often worth going on your own which will force you to socialise with others. Whilst at the conference always attend conference meals and stay at the conference hotel were possible.
It is also worth asking about other peoples work, you will be sure to have something in common and to find opinions on various subjects as well as research they’ve carried out.
When you go back the next years ensure you speak to contacts from this year so you can continue to build up relationships with these existing contacts.
After the Conference
Pass along your details to anyone you want to keep in contact with and follow up contacts with a short e-mail. Keep a record of the details of those you have met and what they do and where they work.
It is great to talk about work and network but you should also take about hobbies and other interests but stay professional, drink but don’t get excessively drunk.
Marcus Evans is an international events company provides corporate hospitality, business events and business training.
Kim Enjoys writing articles on various topics.