When it comes to shedding pounds and maintaining your ideal weight, motivation is a vital force. Without motivation to keep you going, it is easy to become part of the 95% of people who fail to maintain their weight loss.
One of the hardest aspects about the entire process is the belief that all the work is done once you reach your target weight. The fact is that the hard work is just starting.
There are many reasons why this happens:
First, it is relatively easy to keep yourself motivated for a brief time. But, keeping yourself on going for a long time is a totally different thing.
Second, most people can somehow pull themselves through a diet and a workout program when they believe it is temporary. But having to do it day after day requires a formidable willpower.
Worst of all, studies show that people who were overweight in the past are most likely to put on extra weight at the in the future. All in all, it might seem like an uphill battle.
However, it is very possible to keep yourself motivated to maintain your ideal weight for many years to come.
Weighing yourself periodically keeps you from putting on extra weight. At the very least, you can take fast action to lose any weight quickly.
-Pay attention to how your clothes fit your body. The way you feel in your clothes is the best signal that you’re gaining weight. Much better than the scale.
- Reward yourself with a new outfit from time to time. You will feel proud of your lean body when there is something to show it off in. This will keep you going for sure.
- Remind yourself of how you looked when you were overweight. Keep some pictures of your old self and look at them from time to time.
- Use visualization techniques on a daily basis. See yourself as being thin and fit, and enjoy your new body.
- Exercise at a level that is comfortable. Remember, the regimen no longer needs to be as strict as before but you do need to make a routine of it.
Reaching your target weight affects every area of your life. It boosts your morale, puts your self confidence on a whole new level and makes you feel much more sexy. So, when you are tempted or feel disturbed, ask yourself this: is it worth giving it all up for a moment of pleasure? You already know the answer to that question.
If you want to see how you can maintain your current weight, visit this site: How to Stay Thin
If you want to read more about this topic, visit http://MaintainDontGain.com
John Davenport is a health and fitness author. He is the author of the Emotional Eating Solution Program for people with binge eating problems and the Maintain Don’t Gain ebook for people who wish to maintain their weight loss and not gain weight.